Cristiano Rossetti Apps

Berimbau de Capoeira 3.0.1
Agora para quem gosta de capoeira, está ai um ótimo aplicativo paraquem gosta dessa luta/dança, este aplicativo é um simulador deberimbau bem divertido para você mostrar para seus amigos que irãotocar esse instrumento musical tão popular no nordeste do Brasil eque possui fãs no Brasil todo.O aplicativo mostra um rítimo que pode servir como base na músicaque você irá criar, você pode ver esse rítimo nas instruções e novideo que demonstra o aplicativo, quem já está familiarizado comesse instrument musical vai ter mais facilidade de criar rítimosque se parecem com uma percurssão de berimbau realista, entãoexperimente tocar e divirta-se.Now forthose who like capoeira, there is a great app for those who likethis fight / dance, this application is a simulator berimbau reallyfun for you to show your friends that will play this musicalinstrument so popular in northeastern Brazil and has fansthroughout Brazil.The application shows a rhythm that can serve as the basis of themusic you will create, you can see this in the instructions and inrhythm video that demonstrates the application, those alreadyfamiliar with this musical instrument will be easier to createrhythms that seem with a realistic percussion of berimbau, then tryplaying and have fun.
Saicum Full 1.3
Cristiano Rossetti
Saicum is a platform game and puzzle, using artistic elements ofthe 19th century to mount the challenge of the game, you start thegame at a museum of old paintings of impressionist movement byartists Claude Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh and others, at the beginningof the game the most important painting of the museum disappeared,this painting was divided into 32 pieces, you need to find all 32pieces that are scattered and hidden in the museum, some pieces areeasy to find but others are extremely challenging to find. This isa standalone game, and I intend to use your feedback to improve thegame over time, I also want to give an outcome to the story, so Ihope you enjoy the game.
+Chocolate for Christmas 1.2
This game is for chocolate lovers, for those who love all kinds ofchocolate especially this holiday season, where everyone likes toreceive gifts, especially if that gift is a box of chocolate, thenthis game was made for fans chocolate. Initially you need to makechocolate, for that you use good-good that is spinning on thescreen, then you need to use melted chocolate to produce morechocolate, so you will buy more chocolate recipes such as pies,cakes, pizzas chocolate, easter eggs, fruit with chocolate, oranything that has more yummy with chocolate, this is definitely agame that's much like eating chocolate, then send this applicationas a Christmas gift for your friends and these recipes and enjoythis game.
Drum Simulator Free 2.0
Drum simulator is a fun simulation of bacteria for you to train andRock beats, the sounds are very realistic So if you can find astraight right until you can get a sound that application, it isclear that Drum Simulator does not replace a real bacteria, but ifyou like rock music and percussion will diverter for a few minuteswith this application and Drum Simulator is also great for you toshow your friends.
Drum 3D The Game 2.13
Drum 3D is a game that will amaze you, try to unravel this mystery,you're in a recording studio but your battery is gone and you needto find all parts of the battery that are scattered around thescene.    But some strange things happens, it looks likesomeone is chasing you in the game, let's see if you have thecourage to play this game without leaving the smartphone fall tothe ground with the scares that you will take.    We cansay that this game is the Slender or Amnesia of Rock'n Roll, sotake heart in the game you play for your aunt and let's have alaugh.
Table Indie 1.2.1
Indie Table is an extremely challenging puzzle game, when Ideveloped this game I worried a lot about the quality of the gameas a whole, so it is a complete game with a beginning middle andend, every detail was well thought out, the part graphics,soundtrack and passages of play, but the main goal of the IndieTable is the complexity of the phases of the game to progress inyour campaign, you need to face challenges of reasoning, becausethe stages are designed to keep you from following acylating in hiscampaign. How does the Indie Game Table, when you open the game youwill see a map where they will be distributed all phases of thegame, the map in itself is a puzzle game and each phase is itself achallenge, when you win a stage you release the phases that arearound, that way you advance in the game. Now the game works like aboard where each piece of this board represents an element ofnature, each with strengths and weaknesses, it provides manyopportunities and resources for making it really challenging game.The Table is an Indie game fully independent copyright anddeveloped in Brazil.
Utopian City Year 1 1.2.3
Utopian city is an adventure game made totestnew gameplay features in the course of time ideas and newresourceswill be applied to the game, so users always test newfeatures inthe coming months, thus the city will expand ifbecomingincreasingly interesting.That first year the challenge is simple, just you climb up theredblock, just touch it to complete the game in future versionsthegame will become more complex, the theme is sciencefiction(syfy),but within the city has several portals that you leadto otherscenarios, these other senarios happen quests the game canbe amedieval quest of modern warfare, any theme will be smallgameswithin the game, then wait for the updates andsendsuggestions.
Discovery Other World 1.1
This is a beta game, or is in development, but I would like todevelop with aa elp of you who have seen this video and are readingthis description, the idea is simple, write in the comments a briefroadmap of how you think this game , assuming the original idea,you're on a deserted island with a cottage and a canoe, then youfind two strange objects floating in the air, and now write what ishappening and what will happen, who you are and where you go.
Saicum Lite 1.4
Saicum Lite is the free version of the game Saicum, Saicum is aplatform game and reasoning extremely challenging using artisticelements of the 19th century, the beginning of the game until theend of the story, this is a game of experience, all the challengesare related the paintings and artists. The game's story is veryinteresting and has a relationship with the French artist ClaudeMonet, and many other artists of the art movement Impressionism.You start the game in a museum, and at the beginning of the gameyou find a painting that disappeared from the museum, this paintingwas divided into 32 pieces and your goal is to find all 32 piecesthat are scattered throughout the museum, some parts are easy tofind, but others are very difficult.
Icons War in Confrontation 1.5
This is a great card game and reasoninginwhich each letter represents an icon of some ancient war,eachletter has a certain level, that level is in accordance withtheimportance that this person had in the history of the warsofmankind.For example, if you play the card of Hitler against the letterofChe Guevara, Hitler will win, but if you play againstHitlerGenghis Khan, who do you think would win?The game has several other personalities of the ancient warslikeMussolini, Churchill, Stalin, Bin Laden, Eisenhower,Napoleon,Richthofen, Lenin, Himmler, Rommel and even personalitiesof thewar that are not as well known as simple soldiers likeAlmond, BenLear, R Louis, Gilligan, E. Hardin and other icons ofthewar.In the game you get 5 cards and 5 cards to confront the above,justto win three of five cards of the opponent, in the first stageofthe game you need to score 10 points for each win a round youearn1 point and every defeat you lose a point .
Love Games 1.02
Love Games is a 3D platform gameandexploitation, the objective of the game is to find all theblocksof money that are scattered across the landscape in ordertoconquer your soul mate, explore the level of the game to getallthe blocks but be careful not to touch the enemies that willappearon your way. When you complete a level you unlock the nextstageand unlock Hard mode phase you completed, this Hard mode wasmade​​to be very difficult, so do not waste too much time tryingtobeat Hard mode because you will not.Good luck in conquering your soul mate!
Ektara Gopichand Punjabi 1.1
Ektara Gopichand Punjabi is one of the most popularmusicalinstruments from across Asia, this app tries to simulate thesoundsand the way to play this instrument, an application is verysimpleand fun, but know that playing this instrument is not aneasything, but if you train enough you will be able to createmusicwith him, if you get what you think of creating a videoplaying themusic you could create?
Table Indie Lite 1.5
Now yes the version published is free and demonstrative of thegreatIndie Game Table, for you who is still in doubt whether tobuy ornot buy this version demonstrative Indie Table is a greatway foryou to know the game. Indie Table is a very challengingpuzzle game,if you're tired of easy games you will diverter lotfrom this gamebecause it is difficult and challenging from startto finish.Remember, the Indie Game Table is not just anothergeneric game, thecomplete version has a beginning, a middle and anend, the game mapis quite large and he alone is a big puzzle, sofor those who want aexcellent game you need to know the IndieTable you will not regret.
Choice of Dead 1.5
Choice of Dead is a game style frame by frame, is a game ofsuspenseand adventure, you start the game in a certain place andmust leavethis place knowing that someone or something is chasingyou, this isanother mystery that you need to unravel what is thedanger thathaunts you? Can aliens, zombies, ghosts, a murderer,but the hintsto this question are scattered throughout the scene.In order toescape this place and choosing the right paths you needto payattention to the tips that exist in the landscape, are smalldetailsthat you indicate which is the correct path, but how didyou end upin this place that is chasing you and you will discoverthat the fewin the game and history, this game is just the firstepisode of thisstory, if you want to make any suggestions for thenext episodesChoice of Dead just leave a comment.